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Snow Forecast White Wilderness Heliskiing

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How our customers liked the trip

There are no words to express my gratitude. This experience has made my life so much richer and I thank you, your staff and the mind blowing beauty of the Coastal Mountains. You deserve the highest praise for bringing together a 5 star experience to heliskiing...every single aspect of your operation was so on point,  from the cozy and beautiful lodge, wonderful staff, outstanding food (complements to the Chef Claudio) and knowledgeable, professional and fun loving guides and pilots.Thank you for doing what you did and I thank ELAN for the outstanding Rip Sticks, I guess I have to get a pair.

Rose Haijar, Deer Valley USA

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I have all positive experiences in Heliskiing and White-Wildreness, I can't wait to come back again, and experience it again! Thank you for the perfect weekend and incredible experience.

Thomas Schai

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It was a miracle for my eyes, I have enjoyed it so much, it was great!

Bruno Rey

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A long awaited wish that came true on this great weekend, and so many great experiences and impressions. All congrats to the Lodge and Heliskiing.

Mario Stäheli

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Over my great and unique Ski stay, and my nature experience all I could say it that I'm impressed!!!
The weather, the food, the team and the equipment and timing was perfect. The experience was just as a symphony concert. All I could do is admire and enjoy it.

My conclusion: a fascinating experience with my friends, that we won't forget, and as soon we hear the words ,,Powder, Helsinki, Canada" we will immediately have smiles on our faces.

Urs Goldener